NJSLA Information

April 28, 2022


Dear Parents and Guardians,
Spring is here! The new season ushers in warmer temperatures and our season for implementing New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics and Science (8 th grade only). This letter is to inform you of the NJSLA schedule of your son/daughter and the assessment schedule of our building, as a whole. We are adequately prepared for NJSLA; whereas, we have sufficient technology and our teachers have been working with students to equip them with the skills necessary to be successful on the assessments. At each grade level, NJSLA will measure student progress towards recently adopted State Standards in the tested subjects.

The assessments are lengthy and require us to use a modified schedule for the testing window (May 4th- June 3rd). Your son/daughter will complete the NJSLA during the dates and times specified on the attached testing schedule. Students are expected to report to school at their normal time 8:30AM each day. It is very important for students to arrive on time throughout the testing dates, as students who arrive after testing begins, will be required to take the assessment during the scheduled make-up sessions.  Please join our teachers in encouraging your son/daughter to do well on these exams by reporting to school on time, well rested, and having eaten a nutritional breakfast each morning he/she is scheduled to complete an assessment. As always, feel free to contact the school should you have additional questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation during this testing period.


Ms. Sophia Harrold
Ms. Sophia Harrold,
Acting Principal